Saturday, May 31, 2008

The "Hello World" Program, in 366 Programming Languages!

"Hello World" is the traditional first program you write when learning a new language, first appearing in K&R's "The C Programming Language" book in 1978. Since then it has been implemented in almost every programming language on the planet. This collection has it in 366 coding languages (even LOLCode!) and 58 human ones! Is your favourite here?

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Moving to Unicode 5.1

Google has just begun supporting Unicode 5.1, less than one month after it was released. It's now available in search, so people speaking languages such as Malayalam can now search for words containing the new characters in Unicode 5.1. Web pages can use a variety of different character encodings, like ASCII, Latin-1, or Windows 1252, or Unicode.

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Image-recognition Software Lets Computers 'See' Like People

It takes surprisingly few pixels of information to be able to identify the subject of an image, a team led by an MIT researcher has found. The discovery could lead to great advances in the automated identification of online images and, ultimately, provide a basis for computers to see like humans do.

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