Monday, July 21, 2008

Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Developers

In this article, you’ll find 23 excellent, print-ready cheat sheets for HTML/HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (including MooTools and jQuery).

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How To Get Started Programming With Django

Django is a web framework designed to help you build complex web applications simply and quickly. It's written in the Python programming language. Django can do some very complex things with less code and a simpler execution than you'd expect. This tutorial breaks down how to start working with Django.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Google Docs Offline :Get your documents whenever, wherever

Concerned about storing documents online because you can't get them offline?No worries, now Google Docs works offline:Edit your documents and view your presentations.Changes are saved offline and sync automatically.Get your documents whenever, wherever !!!

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Deep Fried Bytes 4: Scaling Large Web Sites with Joe Stump

Have you ever wanted to learn how top 100 web sites are architected? Deep Fried Bytes hosts Keith Elder and Chris Woodruff sat down with Joe Stump, Lead Architect at DIGG to discuss scaling large web sites, his life, development experiences and team building.

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Google on How they Use Data to fight Web Spam

As the head of the webspam team at Google, I'm in charge of making sure your search results are as relevant and informative as possible. Webspam, in case you've never heard of it, is the junk you see in search results when websites successfully cheat their way into higher positions in search results or otherwise violate search engine quality ....

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$15 Million of Red Bull says Ruby on Rails is here to stay

Enterprise Ruby host "Engine Yard" has announced another $15 million in funding- a strong indicator of the future of the Ruby programming language. They plan to use the money to buy Red Bull and build a cloud computing infrastructure called Vertebra.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

25 Excellent Ajax Techniques and Examples

If you’re interested in expanding your understanding of Ajax techniques and practices, check out these 25 hand-picked Ajax articles and tutorials that outline various methods and concepts involved in the development of Ajax-based applications.

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15 Tools to Help You Develop Faster Web Pages

If you’re concerned about your web pages’ speed or want to make sure you’re in tip-top shape before starting or launching a project, here’s a few useful, free tools to help you create and sustain high-performance web applications.

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Google on How they Use Data to fight Web Spam

As the head of the webspam team at Google, I'm in charge of making sure your search results are as relevant and informative as possible. Webspam, in case you've never heard of it, is the junk you see in search results when websites successfully cheat their way into higher positions in search results or otherwise violate search engine quality ....

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Database Normalization and Table Structures

Normalisation and relationships explained in clear terms.

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

The "Hello World" Program, in 366 Programming Languages!

"Hello World" is the traditional first program you write when learning a new language, first appearing in K&R's "The C Programming Language" book in 1978. Since then it has been implemented in almost every programming language on the planet. This collection has it in 366 coding languages (even LOLCode!) and 58 human ones! Is your favourite here?

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Moving to Unicode 5.1

Google has just begun supporting Unicode 5.1, less than one month after it was released. It's now available in search, so people speaking languages such as Malayalam can now search for words containing the new characters in Unicode 5.1. Web pages can use a variety of different character encodings, like ASCII, Latin-1, or Windows 1252, or Unicode.

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Image-recognition Software Lets Computers 'See' Like People

It takes surprisingly few pixels of information to be able to identify the subject of an image, a team led by an MIT researcher has found. The discovery could lead to great advances in the automated identification of online images and, ultimately, provide a basis for computers to see like humans do.

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

CSS3 ::selection used to hide any image in text

This toy will let you put in any image url and text then use css to hide the image. It only works in browsers that support the CSS3 pesudo-selector ::selection (Firefox and Safari for now).

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Powerful CSS-Techniques For Effective Coding

In this post we present 50 new CSS-techniques, ideas and ready-to-use solutions for effective coding. You definitely know some of them, but definitely not all of them. Some technique is missing? L

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Highlight an Image in HTML Code

Entice and excite your friends with a strangely addictive trick that utilizes some interesting CSS techniques to allow you to see a highlighted image within text. Choose your desired phrase (a paragraph works too) and input the URL of any image in the text boxes. Then press generate.

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Ray Kurzweil: Machines Will Match Human Intelligence By 2029

"I've made the case that we will have both the hardware and the software to achieve human level artificial intelligence with the broad suppleness of human intelligence including our emotional intelligence by 2029," he said.

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Google releases Social Graph API

With so many websites to join, users must decide where to invest significant time in adding their same connections over and over. For developers, this means it is difficult to build successful web applications that hinge upon a critical mass of users for content and interaction. Developers can now utilize public connections their users have already

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Building a .com in 24 hours

This is about how I spend 24 concentrated hours spread out over 4 days during Holidays to build the online service What I tried to do for this project is use some new methods/tools out there to solve practical problems in my weakness area: design, frontend coding, system administration and SEO.

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Scientology's secret documents hacked by /i/'s Splongcat

Hackers from the /i/nsurgency, a splinter group of anonymous raided scientology's secret, even sacred documents this morning. Documents were leaked. Splongcat, after raiding replied with "For the /i/nsurgency! Oh and, we did it for lulz."

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Free Advanced DHTML Color Picker

When we were developing COPASO, we found that we needed to have a more advanced color picker to work inside the application… and since COPASO is built with DHTML it was easy enough to pull out the picker to use on the other creation pages of our site.

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Ohloh Ranks The World’s Coders

Ohloh, which ranks the nation’s top open source coders, is opening its service to let other developer teams track and rank their own teams. It’s the latest move by Ohloh, a Bellevue, WA company that already distributes its coder profiles and related data to about 5,000 open source sites.

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XKCD's amazing solution to chat noise

We’ve put together an auto-moderation system in an experimental channel, #xkcd-signal, and it seems to work well, so we invite you all to take part.

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Digg is hiring LAMP programmers

Just thought everyone should know we're still hiring here at Digg. So if you'd like to create the next generation of Digg features please submit your resume.

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Free the algorithm: Wikia launches open-source search engine

Jimbo Wales talks with Ars about the launch of Wikia's new open-source search engine. Even algorithms are editorial statements, he says, and Wikia wants to let its users take control of those statements.

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First look: Qt 4.4.0 with Phonon and WebKit

Trolltech has released the Qt 4.4.0 technical preview, a pre-release that provides developers with an early look at features in the upcoming Qt 4.4. We took a close look at the new features which include a new WebKit widget and the Phonon cross-platform audio engine.

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Object Oriented JavaScript - Should You use It?

This post shows how to program in Object Oriented JavaScript and why it is useful. It also touches on how Object Oriented Programming differs from Java and C++.

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Screw Rectangles! - CSS Tool to Wrap Text Into Any Shape

Easily wrap any text content into curves, slants or around any shape, then simply copy the generated code onto your website or blog. It has three methods for adding it to your site, including full CSS/XHTML or javascript.

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